What Ashley Knows About the Catholic Church's Teaching

There are many people who think they know the Catholic Faith, but it's more that they know what other people have told them about the Catholic Faith. So, it is our duty to search what the True teachings are in the Catholic Church. We must go back to TRADITION and what the Early Church Father's taught and written down. In other words any question put forth in the present day, have already been answered and written down...so find them and you will see what the Catholic Church really teaches and then you will be a GENIUS when it comes to knowing and hopefully living the Catholic Life.

Are You a Genius when it comes to knowing and living your Catholic Faith? Well, check this quiz out and see if you remember some of what was taught to you or what you are learning.

Created by: 1holycatholic

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What will happen if you do not practice The Catholic Faith?
  2. Are all Religions the same?
  3. Who is the Primary Author of the Bible?
  4. How many Books are in the Bible
  5. Is the Six Days creation to be taken literal or symbolic?
  6. Is everyone given Faith?
  7. When should you pray?
  8. Does God hear the prayers of those sinners living in mortal sin? Yes or No and why?
  9. What is necessary for our prayers to be answered?
  10. Why is the Sacrifice of the Mass necessary for us to attend?
  11. Why isn't it alright just to pray to God in our homes, in the park at the beach?
  12. What is our Guardian angel?
  13. Who are our first real parents?
  14. Why did God not accept Cains Sacrifice/Offering?
  15. Why did God have Noah (Noe) build an ark?

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