What are you? WC warrior, kittypet, or rogue?

This is a quiz to show which group from the iconic series Warriors you belong in. Choose each answer carefully and you will discover your true Warrior.

I hope that this quiz satisfies and feeds your hunger for Warriors. Have fun! (I am not responsible if you don't get the answer you wanted, sorry but that's your fault).

Created by: Violet G.
  1. Where would you rather live?
  2. Which do you like more?
  3. Which do you value most highly?
  4. In a life of death situation which would you choose?
  5. What book genre do you like the most?
  6. What are your friends like?
  7. Which do you most want?
  8. Which do you value highly?
  9. Which result do you want?
  10. How was my quiz?

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Quiz topic: What am I? WC warrior, kittypet, or rogue?
