what are you really? Angel? demon? ...

there are many different types of people. some are guardians without knowing it. this is just to let you see what result you get. see if you are good, evil or just a human.

find out what your decisions earn you in your result. find out if your born to be evil. a powerful demon or even just a good person. unlike other quiz's, mine are based on your decisions and not what you rate it.

Created by: The Third 03:)
  1. what is your favourite colour?
  2. someone's getting mugged in front of you, no one else is around. what do you do?
  3. you learn that someone you saw yesterday has died. what is your reaction?
  4. if you had wings- what would they be like?
  5. where do you think you'll go after you die?
  6. would you do something you don't want to do if your ordered to by someone really powerful and threatening?
  7. how many people do you normally hang around with?
  8. are you a good person.
  9. why are you taking this quiz *it's great you did.
  10. do you believe in god?

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Quiz topic: What am I really? Angel? demon? ...