What Ardoni song are you?

This will tell what song are you? I know what you are thinking, what is this quiz talking about? Well I hope you watched Songs of War because that is what this is based on!!!

Remember! This might not be true but this just for fun and enjoyment!!! So I hope you like it and have lots and lots of fun and remember, have peace no PEAS!!!!

Created by: Anonymous
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. what powers do you like?
  3. do you like to be powerful?
  4. are you tired?
  5. what clan are you?
  6. What weapon do you enjoy wielding?
  7. What species are you(when you took the test are you an ardoni?)?
  8. What is your main desire(out of all of these)?
  9. do you want to have a look at your results?
  10. how are you feeling?
  11. What song do you think you are?
  12. This is the last question!

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Quiz topic: What Ardoni song am I?
