what animal are you like?

Hello quizzers, this test is to see if you are a slow sloth, a quick snake, or as giant as a panda. This quiz will only be 10 questions long. I hope I did good on the test.

This is the first quiz i have made. I hope I did good. I am only just turning a teenager, so it might not be as good as any of my other quizzes will be.

Created by: Slothmaster#1
  1. Are you a fast runner?
  2. Are you emo?
  3. do you like spinach?
  4. do you like chicken?
  5. Are you happy about the so far?
  6. is this quiz boring?
  7. do you like showers?
  8. what is your favorite animal?
  9. Have you ever ate an ant?
  10. are you happy the quiz is done

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Quiz topic: What animal am I like?

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