What animal are you?

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There are many animals in the world but I only chose 6. I hope you enjoy the quiz...blah blah blah. Please comment and rate. Please? I'll be your best friend? ...Nah...

I have nothing to type...just please comment and rate. Lets keep the comments positive. Please no negative comments...already get a bunch of them at home...

Created by: LoveKillsHate
  1. Choose a color. (Not your favorite)
  2. Okay,now choose your favorite color.
  3. Describe yourself.
  4. People think...
  5. What's your favorite song out of these?
  6. I ran out of questions... :P
  7. What's your favorite animal? This doesn't count. :P
  8. I'm bored...
  9. Did you like my first quiz?
  10. Comment and rate?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?