what animal are you?

i made this quiz so that you will know what your inner animal you are.i'm going to keep rambling on and on because i need to have enough characters to continue. good-bye!

are you a dog monkey or a snake? take this quiz and find out! im gonna keep rambling on because i need to have enough charaters to continue. good-bye!

Created by: natgina
  1. when people tell you secrets you you keep them to yourself?
  2. do you usually talk to mostly everyone and anyone?
  3. whaT arE youR hobbieS?
  4. if you could be anywhere in the world where would you be?
  5. what sport do you like to play?
  6. what is your fav. color?
  7. uttgegvtbtggverdwe
  8. fav. food
  9. pick one:
  10. idk my bff jill?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?