What animal are you?

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Thanks for taking my quiz! I hope you enjoyed and uh, yeah. It is making me type 150 characters for these two paragraphs so, I'm sorry. Please comment and rate. Thanks.

Please comment on your score. There was Wolf, Eagle, Snake, Horse, Cat or dog. I uhm, hope you enjoyed and, uh, I'm not good at this stuff sooo, I'm just going to go- BYEEEEE!

Created by: Alex_Fierro
  1. I'm sorry, but of these, which is your favorite color?
  2. What would your friends describe you as?
  3. What is your favorite hobby?
  4. Are you Independent or Dependent?
  5. How many friends do you have?
  6. Do you have a pet?
  7. What battery is your device at right now?
  8. What is/was your favorite school subject?
  9. Fav vacay spot?
  10. Last question!
  11. JUST KIDDING! OK, this is the last question! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Hope you love your answers!

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?
