What animal are u?

We all know there are other quizzes on go to quiz, but they are all crappy. This quiz however, gives u three answers. The others, one answer. After all, who wants to know what they are?

Are YOU a monkey? Energetic? Crazy? Outgoing? Well, until now, all u could do was take the crappy quizzes. Take this quiz and you'll know what in the world you are!!

Created by: Massie
  1. Can u keep a deep, dark secret?
  2. Pick one
  3. Witch one doesn't belong?
  4. Do u love to be outdoors?
  5. How energetic are u?
  6. What does ur body look like?
  7. What describes ur face?
  8. Do u have a phone?
  9. Do u play on the internet too long?
  10. Pick one
  11. Did u like this quiz?

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