What anima charater are you most like? (Girls)

GIRLS ONLY what anime girl are you most like Maka Albarn, Sakura, Hori, Kaiko, Karin, or Mai, Take this quiz to find out..............................................................

Im the emo version of Maka.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Created by: BlackSoul26
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Body type
  2. Hair(Closest)
  3. Describe crush/bf
  4. Family life(Please don't stab me, I stab back)
  5. Grades
  6. Social status
  7. Which sounds wickid sweet(Best)
  8. What do you like to do in your free time
  9. Weapon
  10. Something your crush/bf says alot
  11. Eye color
  12. last question... Do you like anime

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Quiz topic: What anima charater am I most like? (Girls)