What Adventure Time character are you?

Hello again.I've decided to finally make this quiz.Your results consist of:Finn, Jake, Marcelene, and Ice King.Take this quiz to find out who you are,or are most like.If you are not happy with yor result,don't be mad,because im getting tired of writing that part in my paragraghs,im not going to anymore.

When you take this quiz i would like you to answer honestly.I would also like to say the 'gender' or 'age' question does not affect your score,or the last three questions either.^-^

Created by: knucklesthegreat
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. Which do you preffer to live in?
  3. Are you evil or good?
  4. what's your favorite color?
  5. What do you on your free time?
  6. Do you loose focus often?
  7. Do you like actoin/adventures?
  8. Hey,guess what?
  9. this quiz is over!
  10. grapes

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Quiz topic: What Adventure Time character am I?