What Actor are you most like?

Which actor are you more like. do you help people? are you a dare devil? well read this and find who you are, think its a hoax no way, completely VIRUS FREE. The Creater of this quiz took 3 hours to create this so its fairly accurate.effort was put into EVERYTHING. you take get your friends to and please do it honestly.Thank You Very Much.

this only takes a few minutes and you can find out if you and your fave actor are alkie or not.Do not be fooled, this is 100% not a Hoax we dont like Hoaxes. This will not give your computer a virus i promise

Created by: Paige
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are youn on the popularity chart?
  2. What is your favrouite tv/movie Genre
  3. The skin colour you like most
  4. If you were a man, what gender would you prefer?
  5. If you had to do any stunts you would
  6. Out of these three what would you prefer
  7. Do you often take these tests
  8. Do you think nailpolish smells
  9. If you saw a hobbo and he asked for money you would
  10. you see an injured animal on side of the road you

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Quiz topic: What Actor am I most like? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Actors and Actresses Quiz category.