Welcome To The Test

This Test Was Made To Get Rid Of Your Psychological and Emotinal Fears.Play If You Dare.Let This Be A Warning:This Test May Contain Personal And Scary Questions.

This Is A Good Sign,But When You Scroll Down To Start The Test You Must NOT close the Test.There is a High Chance You Will Experience Breathing Problems If You Do.This Test Is Also Possibly 20-25 minutes.Good Luck.

Created by: IHaveNoFace
  1. Hello
  2. This test is designed to explore your deepest problems and causes of your darkest fears.This test is not made to scare you.Or for entertaining purposes.
  3. Before we begin i must give a few warnings.
  4. This Test Contains Various elements that may not be sutible for people under the age of 12.Do You Understand?
  5. It might also ask questions that might be considered personal.For your safety you must NOT exit this test.You will experience very stable triggers in your brain.
  6. Okay,Before we start i must ask you to turn of your lights play at the time between 9pm to 4pm,wear headphones and play ALONE.If you don't do one of these options the test will not work.
  7. Please Note That only 5% of people that played this test made it out alive.And That is a true Fact.Everything i say in this test is the truth.And Some People have experienced cardiac arrest which then results in death...Do you still wish to continue?
  8. Good...Lets Start : )
  9. How many hours are there in a day?
  10. What Is Your Name
  11. NO...i asked for YOUR name.
  12. Do You Think Your Playing A Game?
  13. Are You Sure Your Playing A Game?
  14. ...
  15. Right Or Left
  16. Happy Or Sad
  17. dO yOu rEaLlY thiNk tHIs Is a GaME?
  18. ok
  19. I will now say something that involves skin colour if you get offended by this then please press the "..." option.
  20. What do you think about WHITE people?
  21. What do you think about BLACK people?
  22. How did that question make you feel?
  23. Do you belive in ghosts
  24. Have you ever seen a ghost?
  25. Try think about the room your in.Are they're any windows?
  26. Has anyone ever died in that room
  27. When I'm starting at a screen i completley forget about who is behind me
  28. I never realise where i am sometimes
  29. Some People Deserve To Feel Pain
  30. I would know if someone was trying to kill me
  31. There is a unexpected guest in my house
  32. Nobody would know if i went missing
  33. Poetry is really cool isn't it?
  34. Allow me to demonstrate.
  35. Roses are red,Silent as a mouse,Your door is unlockedI'm in the house.
  36. Now got to Question 12 and think about your awnser and pick it again.
  37. Did you pick a new awnser?
  38. Before we go on i want to say congratulations.Only 52% make it this far.At this point you should start to feel a loud banging in your head.
  39. The Questions from now on will start to give you a few anxiety issues.But that dosent matter.Do you wish to continue
  40. How far away is the nearest police station.
  41. when you are home alone do you lock your doors?
  42. Compared to the average human being how fast can you run?
  43. what animal would you describe yourself?
  44. I will say this one more time.ARE YOU PLAYING A GAME RIGHT NOW?
  45. Am i a good man
  46. i never said i was a man
  47. Please select the following sports you've played
  48. If you saw me on the street would you say hello
  49. ...very...odd
  50. Your recent awnsers indicate you are slowly starting to panic.I need you to breath slowly and calm down
  51. Please look at the nearest exit in the room you are in and make sure you would be able to run if someone were to kill you.Do this now... NOW.
  52. Did you look away from your screen
  53. Do you think i can tell when you look away from your screen?
  54. do you feel safe in your house right now
  55. Are you having fun
  56. Please remember to only concentrate on the screen
  58. Music can help us relax right...try singing
  59. cIYGFUFY

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