Warriors! Would you live, or die?

Warriors is a series of wild cats that live in the forest. It is mainly about a kitty pet named Rusty. Rusty is an ordinary kitty pet. Or so he thought.

One day he saw something moving in the forest. He went for a closer look and he found himself face to face with a wild cat, whom he later found out, his name was Greypaw.

Created by: Tallshadow
  1. A fox jumps out from under a bush. What do you do?
  2. Your kits are in danger of getting killed by a rough. What do you do?
  3. your best friend betrayed you. Your whole clan knows. Including you. What happens next?
  4. A badger attacks camp. You are the smallest and fastest warrior in your clan, and have a strong bond with wind clan, your father is their deputy. What do you do?
  5. all the medicine cats catnip herb blew away and no cat can find it. What next?
  6. the prey you are about to catch LOOKS sick. What next?
  7. there is a flood, and a kit cant swim.you are not the best swimmer. What do you do?
  8. you are on a hunting patrol. You scent a strange cat. What do you do next?
  9. you hear a dog barking, and getting closer on your own little afternoon stroll.
  10. Your kit has a extremely bad disease. What do you do?

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