Warriors love story 1

Love warrior cats? Love role playing? Well this is perfect for you!! This is a story about Rosekit. A kit who suddenly finds five cats swooning over her.

Part one is here and part two is coming shortly. I really hope you enjoy this quiz. Anddddd while I’m at it check out my other quiz Warriors love story (she-cats).

Created by: Warriorslover_566
  1. Your name is Rosekit. You snuggle in closer to your mother, Daisypelt as a breeze blast through the nursery wall. You hear shrieking and see Emberkit and Reedkit’s pelts. Just then you realise your mother had been speaking to you. “Are you listening Rosekit” she says sturnly. You say
  2. “Well I’m gonna have to tell you again” she says slowly “I was wondering if you could maybe hangout with Hollykit she seems so lonely”. Just then Lynxkit, Reedkit and Pinekit come running in. You
  3. Your mother makes you agree whatever you picked. But then you realised it’s only a moon till your an apprentice. You start daydreaming about what your warrior name would be.
  4. Just then Pinekit shoves into you. “Oops sorry didn’t see you there Rosekit”. You think
  5. A few days later and your feeling really hungry so you go to the fresh-kill pile. On the pile there is a plump mouse and a juicy pigeon. But then your sister Finchkit comes over and asks to share the mouse with you. You
  6. After that meal you head to your den and bump into Pinekit, Lynxkit and Reedkit. All three of them blush when they see you. Then you see Hollykit coming in the same direction. You
  7. The next morning you wake up to see the dawn patrol leaving and your father on it. He comes over to you quickly and says “Good morning Rosekit. How are you?” “I’m good” you reply cheerfully. “Come on Oakstar” the deputy Foxtail calls “Coming” calls your father. “I better go” he says “Bye” you call after him. Then you decide to spend the day
  8. Then suddenly you remember tomorrow is your apprentice ceremony. You need to tell all the kits. Who do you tell first?
  9. You wake up the next morning to find the clan unsettled. But when you ask no one tells you anything but then…
  10. Did you enjoy and do you want me to make a second one?

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