Warrior Cats rp part 1

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Ok, so here is a little rp I made because I was bored, now here is the important info about it! Ok, please make sure to read all of it! You are a kitty pet, you are a white and pastel yellow tabby she cat, you have a black cat brother Liam,

you live next to the forest where there are clan cats, you also have green eyes, and you heard about the clan cats from your mother, so you also believe in StarClan and DarkForest. Thats all, now lets start!

Created by: Hermiony
  1. Please if you havent read the paragraphs scroll back up and read them, there is important info about the rp.
  2. Now, once you had read everything we can start!
  3. You are sitting outside, you hear a lightning strike, you wanna go explore, what do you do?
  4. Once you went outside the forest you realised your brother is following you, what do you do? (the ones who chose to stay will click on the option they chose, and see their results later)
  5. Your brother leaves, you see a cat in the bushes, its a dark drown cat, he has red outlines and a bleeding neck injury, he attacks you, what do you do?(for those who chose to stay at the forest click on the "...", for those who chose staying at home click "-")
  6. The cat pins you down as he makes a grinch smile, but a white cat knocks him of your back and scares him away, what do you do next?
  7. A white cat white a golden flower in her hair throws the brown cat off your back and scares him off, what do you do next?
  8. You start talking whit the white cat, she sed her name is Blindstar, she asked you to join her clan, SkyClan, what do you do?
  9. You ad joined the clan, but you are put to a test, you need to fight off the Clan's best Warrior Blackclaw, what do you do?
  10. You fighter off the tom, the leader of the clan approached you, and asked you your name, you sed your name is Willow, the lead leans fowler towards you and puts her nose on your forehead, as she says, "FROM NOW ON YOU WILL BE KNOWN AS WILLOWPAW UNTILL YOU EARN YOUR WARRIOR NAME!" the cats start cheering, what do you do now?
  11. After you looked around the clan, a news spread that ShadowClan is attacking, what do you do now?
  12. You see your Leader and friends in trouble, what do you do?
  13. You come back at the cam, days passed after the fight, then your leader invites you to come whit her to a meeting of the clans, what do you do?
  14. After you had come back from the meeting you decide to call it a day, how do you spend your time left?
  15. Months had passed, a new fight broke out, ThunderClan came asking for help to fight shadowClan, what do you do, you fight as well, or stay?
  16. During the battle a ShadowClan Cat who is shadowClans leader offers you to join them , what do you do?
  17. After ThunderClan and SkyClan won the battle, the Leader announces that the apprentices have improved, and that something is waiting for them, the leader looks at you and smiles. What do you do?
  18. You decide to call it a day, you go to sleep, and also here is where the first part of the RP ends, come back for more, now are you ready to see your results?

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