Warrior cats Quiz

This is a quiz to find out what warrior you are. There aren't that many options but all of them are good ones. If you are not satisfied with your answer you may take it again.

I have seen many different warrior cat quizzes but I prefer mine. (Well of course I do, I made it!:) I hope you all enjoy and get the answer you want!

Created by: Fernleaf
  1. What gender?
  2. Who do you value most?
  3. What pelt would you like to have?
  4. Do you want kits?
  5. What do you do in battle?
  6. What would you want to do when you have nothing to do?
  7. What do you want the first part of your name to be?
  8. Are you violent?
  9. What is the meaning of life?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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