Warrior cats love story

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Do you like warrior cats? Maybe they love you! This is a quiz about if YOU were a warrior cat. With lots of twists and turns, what do you think will happen?

With four possible choices, it's up to you! choose what to say and think. please answer every question like how you would act in the real world. This is going to be so much fun!

Created by: TheWarriorFan
  1. You are a new apprentice. There are already three cats there. Robin Paw is brave, Breeze Paw is smart. Night Paw is cool. who do you make your bed next to?
  2. A warrior comes and says you can choose who to take with you on your next patrol. You say...
  3. You are finally a warrior! The other apprentices are to. Who do you congratulate first?
  4. Robin Heart comes up to you. He says you earned becoming a warrior. You say...
  5. 2 moons later, Breeze Feather comes to you and asks if you want to go on patrol with him. you say...
  6. A little later in the day, Night Song tells you to go hunting with him
  7. You are by yourself when you think, I DON'T like people who are too..
  8. The deputy died! Oh no! You are chosen to be the new deputy. you feel...
  9. The boys come up to you. They all say they want to be your mate. You do not fell ready to choose. you say..
  10. You think about what they said yesterday. You go up to them and say that you like

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