warrior cats; how much do you know

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Do you know your warrior cats,if u dont...that realy sucks maby u should read some more!!the books are called "Warriors"by Erin hunter!Please read them!

so,warriors about cats,super fun to read,and theres some evil going on in there...ha ha ha!these books are amazing.some one needs to read them.Right!!

Created by: icewhisker
  1. Your in love with a cat from another clan.Youve been seeing him/her for 6 moons,he/she asks you if you want to run away together. What do you say?
  2. It's your first day of being a warrior,your leader says you have to pick the ticks out of the elders fur and collect moss for them. What would you do?
  3. your being trained by Dark Forest warriors,you keep waking up with bad wounds. the leader asks why u keep showing up with them. What do you say
  4. your being trained by Dark Forest warriors,you keep waking up with bad wound. the leader asks why u keep showing up with them. What do you say
  5. you are the deputy, the leader just died,who would you pick to be deputy next
  6. your brother went to join Shadowclan. He was ur best friend and deputy-what do u do
  7. you and ur friend were caught eating prey in leafbear- with out feeding the clan first.The cat who caught u is running back to get the leader, what do u do?
  8. You are in the middle of battle, ur leader tells you to get help from another clan, what do u say?
  9. the deputy just died in the clan, the leader askes you if you want to be deputy. You say....
  10. if the leader told u u could take the day of what would you do?
  11. If you wanted to be one of teh folloing who would it be?

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Quiz topic: Warrior cats; how much do I know