Warrior_Cat_Love_Story: Part Rainleaf2

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Created by: CrookedstarRules
  1. You sob as you run into the trees. You run and run and run. You run until you reach the RiverClan border. You cross and along the river you find a burrow under a willow tree. You feel heartache.
  2. You quickly make a nest, and fall asleep. When you wake, you decide to fortify your den. You weave brambles around every hole, and put rotting toadstools nearby to hide your scent. As much as you wanted Rainleaf to find you, you didn't want RiverClan or ThunderClan to. You are finished, and try to hunt. But with a swollen belly, you can't catch anything. Your pawsteps are too heavy; prey hears you. The sun sets, and you go to bed hungry.
  3. The next day you are woken by a kick in your belly. Your heart swells at the kits of the tom you love. You try hunting again, but when you pounce, the mouse escapes, and you hit your head on a tree trunk. Everything goes black.
  4. You wake in a dirt den, likely a former badger set. The badger was long-gone luckily. You are startled by pawsteps. As you turn around...
  5. "Fawnpetal!" called a familiar voice. A silver tabby tom slips out of the shadows and your heart swells. "Rainleaf!" you cry as you nuzzle him. Nothing is said for a while as you and your mate take in each other's scent, tears streaming down your cheeks and plopping on the ground.
  6. "How did you find me?" you ask. And he tells you everything. He had found a chance to run away from the Clan, and changed his name to Stone to protect his identity and his sweet queen. "I reccomend you do the same." he meowed. "ThunderClan will bring us up at the gathering, and that means the other Clans will too. If they find us, they will think we are not Fawn and Rainleaf, but Stone and whatever your new name will be."
  7. "What name do you think would work?" you ask. He licks you and says, "Hope. You are my hope, and the kits' hope. Not to mention you are beautiful and so is the name."
  9. "AUGG!" you cry as another spasm shakes your body. "Breathe, Hope!" hissed Stone. He rubbed your tensed belly, saying encouraging words.
  10. The first kit slid out. It was a she-kit. Her fur was bloody and sticky. Hope licked the kit's fur the wrong way and the kit's lungs began to rise and fall. Hope got a glance at her kit before spasms shook her again.
  11. "Hope, you did amazing." purred Stone as he licked his tired and battered mate. He turned to his nursing kits and meowed, "There are three. Two she-kits and one tom." Hope raised her head and gazed at the kits. A black she-kit, a white tabby she-kit, and a grey tom. Hope murmured under her breath. "What?" asked Stone. Hope looked at her mate, tears in her eyes. "Echo, Ivy, and Wolf." she repeated.
  12. As Stone snuggled with the kits with you, a strong and powerful voice spoke. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF STARCLAN IS GOING ON?!" Hope and Stone turned to see Treestar snarling at you two.

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