This is the social quiz for US citizens. All citizens must attempt the test, for which they will be rewarded failing which severely punished. The president is watching you, so don't back out.

If you successfully complete the test and score good you will become most luckiest person. So grab the opportunity but also be careful as your mistake might have severe consequences.

Created by: Abdulaziz
  1. World's no 1 superpower?
  2. What happened to George Floyd?
  3. What happened in Afghanistan?
  4. Most important leader of world (2021)
  5. What happened on 9/11?
  6. Who won ww1?
  7. Who won cold war?
  8. Does racism exist in us?
  9. Is US ideal western democracy?
  10. Best president of US?
  11. Most powerful city of world is
  12. You are heavily taxed by government
  13. You are about to end test... You will now

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