Ultimate zombie apocalypse survival test

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Hello take this test to see if you can do well during the apocalypse! You might even do better (or worse) than you think you could in the real world (possibley)

Just try to answer the questions as true as possible (or maybe not if you dont really care) if you want as close to an anser of "could i survive the zombie apocalypse?"

Created by: Cody
  1. How strong are you?
  2. Which close range weapon would you use?
  3. Which longrange question do you use?
  4. Are you good with using random stuff around you?
  5. Can you swim?
  6. Can you climb?
  7. What vehicle would you use?
  8. How many people would you have in your group?
  9. R u retorded
  10. Would you have a plan for the zombie apocalypse?
  11. Do you have health problems?
  12. If their was only 1 zombie type in the apocalypse what would it be?
  13. If zombies could evolve what would you do?
  14. What is the best way to travel?
  15. Can zombies affect animals?
  16. If you only had an animal companion what would it be?
  17. How many weapons do you have?
  18. What would you do during the apocalypse to keep your moral up?
  19. How many specialtys do you have?
  20. Can you tolerate gore
  21. What would you need most?
  22. Where do you live?
  23. Where would you live during the apocalypse
  24. What do you do if there are 2 zombies in front of you on the street
  25. What do you do if you hear noise in a house?
  26. You see a group of survivers, what do you do?
  27. Their is a girl being chased by a zombie what do you do?
  28. What is more dangerous?
  29. What would you do if 5 bandits are robbing a family?
  30. What do you do if there are 3 bandits who are yelling at you to give them all your supplies?
  31. Who do you save from a zombie?
  32. Where would you loot?
  33. Are you good with medical problems?

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