Man I like waffles!! Do you or do you HATE them or do you NOT CARE or to you LOOOOVE THEM find out in this fun quiz You might not do well though but NO ONE CARESSS

Waffles are yummy right?! Yes or no?!?!!?! Take the quiz dummy OR YOU WONT FIND YOUR INNER WAFFLE YA DUM DUM!!! Though that depends... DO you have inner waffle?

Created by: Yupppp
  1. Let’s start ez DO U LIKE DEM
  2. Now, your bff said HEY WAFFLES AT MY PLACE!!! What u do
  3. Your parents said let’s make a new custom holiday! WAFFLES DAY where u have waffles for lunch breakfast and dinner! What u say
  4. Hmmm lemme think! Oh I know! If you saw a waffle restaurant ONLY serving waffles what you do
  5. On a Sunday morning, I walk to your home ask what you want for breakfast what you say
  6. Would you recommend waffles to people that don’t know what waffles are?
  7. Do you like waffles _______ I _____ waffles Fill in the blank
  8. Lalalalaalalaaaaa what would you add to that interesting series of la’s
  9. Ummm uhhhh -sigh-
  10. Last question about waffles your teacher said you are gonna study waffles what is your reaction
  11. Did you answer honestly
  12. Did you like the quiz

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