This is about my cats

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Blah blah blah. You know what makes me wonder? why the heck anyone actually reads the introduction paragraphs? I need someone to explain that to me...

There are many cats. Chex and Gogo are just two out of the millions of them in this planet. I love Chex and Gogo so, so very much. I seriously don't know what i would do without them.

Created by: Ash Midnight
  1. So only 2 people took my poll and 1 of them does not even count because the the person who took the poll is my sister, so the winner is...
  2. A quiz about my cats!
  3. so one of my cats is named Chex and the other Gogo.
  4. Gogo loves to run and be athletic and Chex loves to sleep and cuddle.
  5. Chex loves Fancy Feast ocean whitefish with garden greens in béchamel sauce.
  6. Gogo loves Sheba whitefish and tuna pate.
  7. Chex freaks out over every noise she hears, while Gogo is more brave, but also kinda wimpy.
  8. Gogo is very curious and once locked himself inside of a closet.
  9. Chex is pretty curious but less curious than Gogo.
  10. Chex and i are best friends and Gogo and Unipup are best friends.
  11. Gogo whines if he can't find Chex and it gets really annoying.
  12. Gogo is mostly grey and black with white paws. Chex is mostly white but has grey and reddish tan tones.
  13. They both whine around meal time, but that is to be expected.
  14. In case you did not know, those are my cats on the picture above.
  15. That is all. Say bye to Chex and Gogo.

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