
since i need to study the models for our lab exam which is on friday. ugh i need to do well on that because like a much as i studied the last time i still

only got barely an a. I REALLY WANT to get an B or A. i dont know if thats' possible but i want to make it a reality. i cant afford to take sciecne over

Created by: sarah
  1. as the diaphragm contracts, _____ pressure decreases even more
  2. expansion of the lungs decrease _____ pressure so that air moves along the pressure gradient from the atmosphere into the lungs
  3. forced inspiration is found in :
  4. true false: quiet expiration requires muscular
  5. for active breathing, ____ is found in diaphragm, external intercostals, pectoralis minor, and sternocleidomastoid
  6. for active breathing, all abdominal muscles and interal intercostals are used. therefore, this displays _____
  7. when alveolar pressure decreases,
  8. factors that affect air flow:
  9. ___ is a thin layer of fluid in alveoli produced by type II alveolar cells cause inwardly directed force
  10. surfactant helps to
  11. _____ means the lungs and chest wall resist expansion
  12. low resistance and high airflow =
  13. bronchi and bronchioles offer some ____ to normal flow of air into and out of lungs
  14. tidal volume is:
  15. residual volume is:
  16. reserves volume is:
  17. in alveolar air,
  18. external respiration is:
  19. internal respiration is:
  20. rate of diffusion of gases occur when there is a _____ surface area
  21. rate of diffusion of gases occur wen diffusion distance is very small. therefore,
  22. the most important factor that determines how much oxygen combines with hemoglobin is
  23. ____ is the ability of Hb to tightly bind with oxygen
  24. _____ is the ability of hemoglobin to carry a full load of oxygen molecules
  25. between ___ mmHg, large amounts of oxygen are released asin areas of need like contracting muscles
  26. as temperature increases, oxygen is ___-
  27. when the BPG increases, oxygen
  28. carbon dioxide and water combines to form
  29. carbonic acid breaks down into
  30. in the medullary respiratory center, the dorsal respiratory group is:
  31. _______ respiratory group is the rhythym generating, integrative center.
  32. ______ excite the inspiratory muscles via the phrenicc and intercostal nerves for about two seconds
  33. pontine respiratory center is responsible for:
  34. peripheral chemoreceptors are located in ___ and ____
  35. true false: peripheral chemoreceptors respond to changes in partial co2, partial oxygen, and hydrogen in blood

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