Think your smart? Take the DUMB quiz to find out...

There are some pretty DUMB people out in this world. What is the meaning of the world DUMB? Some people think it means to be stupid. Others just think it means that your different, or special.

Are YOU one of this DUMB people, or are YOU one of the brightest people out there? Find out by taking this quiz. See if you can get the best score out there.

Created by: Chrissy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Someone locks you in a car from the outide, and no one's around, how would you get out?
  2. You're in the woods and it's pitch black. You need to make a fire to survive. You find a match, a candle, a couple newspapers, a lantern, and some wood. What do you light first?
  3. What has a tail, and a head, but nothing else?
  4. Select the best answer...
  5. There are nine people on a baseball team. There coach has a basket with nine balls in it. Can the players each have a ball, and still have one left over?
  6. If there are five apples, and you take two away how many do you have?
  7. A red house is made from red bricks. A blue house is made from blue bricks. A yellow house is made from yellow bricks. A black house is made from black bricks. What is a greenhouse made from?
  8. Do they have a fourth of July in England?
  9. How many months have 28 days?
  10. If there are two U.S. coins worth $0.55, and one of them is not a nickel, what are the two coins?
  11. There are two U.S coins worth $0.55 cents, but one is not a nickel. What are the two coins?
  12. If the vice president died, who would become president?
  13. Was this an easy or a hard quiz?

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Quiz topic: Think my smart? Take the DUMB quiz to find out...