The Ultimate Spanking Quiz

It's time to see what kind of spanking you deserve. This quiz won't be totally accurate, so it's not to be taken seriously. I hope you enjoy this quiz!

Since I'm a girl, the quiz will use female pronouns and assume you're wearing a skirt when necessary, mostly in the results. Now enjoy taking the quiz!

Created by: Naughty Girl
  1. Generally, how naughty are you?
  2. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst, how naughty was the worst thing you've done recently?
  3. How sorry are you for what you did?
  4. How many times have you been naughty this week?
  5. Will you make the same mistakes again?
  6. Are you respectful to others around you?
  7. Are you usually honest?
  8. How will you take your punishment?
  9. How well do you do academically?
  10. Will you do what the results tell you to? *Not reflected in answers

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