the ultimate random quiz

this is the ultimate random test so be prepared for the questions and results. be ready very ready!! this is the ultimate random test so be prepared for the questions and results. be ready very ready!!

this is a very random quiz so please enjoy and go to my profile to take my other quizzes oh yeah this is a very random quiz so please enjoy and go to my profile to take my other quizzes oh yeah

Created by: waterlover999
  1. one day i ate a muffin and i craved another one but that was my only muffin so i was mad.
  2. one day i was bored so i imagined everyone blowing up!
  3. i like the spongebob episode when patrick gets a beard.
  4. i have a cat and a dog their nice
  5. is it donuts or doughnuts :(
  6. im eating cheerios right now
  7. what would you do if someone was eating pineapples
  8. i like spongebob
  9. what would happen if they got rid of spongebob?
  10. will you comment

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