The Ultimate Harry Potter Trivia Quiz: Only potterheads!

I hope you read all the books, because this needs book knowledge AND movie knowledge AND internet extension knowledge. Of course, only potterheads (like me) will ace this quiz of nothing. So be prepared!

WARNING: NO MUGGLES, or I'll do obliviate to you!Still here?OK, but don't say I warned you.Just because you're staring at me does not make me a loser, compared to you! :P

Created by: Iris
  1. What are the Philosopher's stone's benefits?
  2. Who was the heir of Slytherin?
  3. What is Harry's Patronus?
  4. How did Cedric Diggory die?
  5. How many kids does Hermione and Ron have?
  6. Who did Cedric marry on heaven?
  7. What is Harry's career?
  8. Did Pansy Parkinson marry Draco Malfoy?
  9. Is Harry the keeper of all hallows?
  10. What was Harry's daughter's name?
  11. Was Lily pregnant when Voldemort murdered her?
  12. Did J.K. Rowling really kill so many people?

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