The Test of Luck

The title explains it all. Best of luck in this quiz. You'll really need it when you take it! You can yell at me for your score later, tap the quiz already!

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Created by: FanWing101
  1. The Test of Luck is simple. Pick the answer your instincts tell you to, then hope for the best!
  2. 1+1=?
  3. You have a white paint bucket. Your friend has a yellow one. You paint the yellow one, it becomes a ________.
  4. Are you getting bored?
  5. Don't pick a color
  6. Me: whats your name. You: ________. Me: spell it.
  7. WELL THEN...
  8. Fill in the blanks:
  9. Almost there. How do you feel?
  10. Finally... the most hard question of all!

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