The Swagg Quiz

You might think you have swagg but do you really?? Take the swagg quiz.

Are you a swagg king? A swag legend? Or totally basic Wal-Mart shopping nobody. The quiz will find the truth!

Created by: stephvon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which store do you shop at for clothes
  2. Which type of car do you want?
  3. Where do you get your shoes from?
  4. A girl( or boy... Wateva your into) walks up to you and kisses you and asks to marry you wat do you do??
  5. How high do you wear your pants?
  6. Do you think YOU have swagg??
  7. Do you have a diet plan?
  8. How many freinds do you have?
  9. hi
  10. You just won a million dollars!!!

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