The Seven-Channelled Neilos

This quiz covered the Iliad, other stories in Epic Cycle, tragedies, the Indo-European language, Homer's geography, archaic words and the weaponry of the gods.

If these sort of topics interest you, please join a group of like minded folks at "Hour 25". We are students from HeroesX that wanted to keep the conversation and the study going.

Created by: William Moulton of Hour 25
(your link here more info)
  1. Whose unwilting fame is insure by the Iliad?
  2. In non-Homeric tradition what do Achilles and Philoctetes have in common?
  3. What happen when the winged bright darts leapt from Apollo's golden string into the Achaean camp before the walls of Troy
  4. The gifts of the In-Sewn, Inspirer of Frenzied Women are what?
  5. Who is the son of great-souled Tydeus?
  6. Cereberus is definitely NOT...
  7. Where is the kingdom of the Aethiops located according to Homer?
  8. The thing Homer most famously called "the wine-dark" is ...
  9. Dionysus' "wand" is called what?
  10. Prometheus smuggled fire from heaven inside of what?

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