The Random Trivia Quiz(Part One)

Trivia. Some get everything correct, others, not so much. Are YOU a trivia expert? Or just another wannabe? Probably just another wannabe, but we'll find out.

This quiz consists of 10 challenging question that very few will get completely correct. Don't feel bad if you didn't get everything right. Practically no one did.

Created by: Purpletaleb
  1. What is the capital of Brazil?
  2. When was the Great Wall of China completed?
  3. What is my favorite color?
  4. When was the book 1984 published?
  5. How old did the oldest person ever live to?
  6. How much did the biggest shark ever caught weigh?
  7. How tall was the tallest person ever?
  8. When was this test created?
  9. Who invented chocolate?
  10. What is the world's smallest state?

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