The Places Quiz

Do you know your countries? Do you know where your cities are located? Why not take this geography quiz and find out how much you know. You may even surprise yourself.

Take the quiz and truly test your knowledge of geography. What harm can it do. Do you think you can get a top score? I dare you to try. Don't be scared go on and give it a go. Good luck.

Created by: Kate
  1. London is in which country?
  2. Paris is in which country?
  3. New York is a city in...
  4. Liverpool is a city in...
  5. Rome is in...
  6. Dublin is a city in what country?
  7. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland make up the..
  8. Italy is the shape of what looks like a ...
  9. The capital of Sweden is..
  10. Canberra is the capital city in ...
  11. Rome is the capital city in...
  12. What is the capital city in Germany?
  13. Beijing is a city in...
  14. Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong are all cities in...
  15. New York, Los Angeles, Boston and Dallas are all cities in...
  16. Egypt, Chad, Morocco, Nigeria and Sudan are all countries in...
  17. Moscow is the capital of which country?
  18. China, Iraq, Japan, India are all countries in...
  19. Which is the largest country in the world?
  20. Which is the second biggest country in the world?

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