The Pirates That Don't Do Anything

You dare take the quiz of truth? girl im afraid what do you want from me? I've literally had to start the box over again because there is repeated text.

You have no idea what lies before you. I can believe each of these have to be 150 characters each, I mean they are sucking the fun right out of making the quiz.

Created by: chris
  1. how do you spend your Friday night?
  2. You see a stranded man on the side of the road. He asks for your help because he is hurt and must get to the hospital. what do you do?
  3. Favorite hobby
  4. Do you run fast?
  5. Do you know the Muffin Man?
  6. Favorite Drink
  7. Are you that guy?
  8. What have you done today?
  9. Ive seen a tape of Anakin
  10. Favorite place to eat
  11. favorite historical figure
  12. Do you dip your fries in your Wendys frosty?

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