The Personallity Quiz 4882

There are fat people, ugly people, smelly people, half-descent people and people who are like bob. Which are you? we shall find out yes we shall find out yes we shall find out....

There are fat people, ugly people, smelly people, half-descent people and people who are like bob. Which are you? we shall find out yes we shall find out yes we shall find out....

Created by: cam
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favourite pass time?
  2. What is your favourite thing?
  3. Who's the best Celebrity
  4. Are you Fat?
  5. Are you Ugly, Skinny, Smelly, Lovable, a Twilight Fan, or sporty?
  6. What's the best Band/solo act?
  7. Bob or Your Mom- who's cooler?
  8. What's the best Holiday?
  9. Have you got a big butt?
  10. And, Finally, what is 364.7 DDivided by 18?

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