The Outsiders Quiz

Have you ever wondered which Outsiders personality you are well you are in luck because this is a quiz designed for that purpose. You have three choices there is Soda, Darry, and Pony.

This is a quiz to help you determine your personality. So be sure to answer the questions honestly and have fun taking this quiz. I hope that it wasn't to long.

Created by: jeffrey
  1. Do you like to fight if so for what reason?
  2. Do you like stealing?
  3. Are you golden?
  4. Do you like to annoy girls?
  5. Do you use your head in a fight?
  6. Do you think about things?
  7. Do you like to watch the sunset or rise?
  8. Do you hat the socs?
  9. Do good girls like you?
  10. Do you like reading?

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