The Nothing vs. Everything Quiz

Nothing vs. Everything. The ultimate battle.

Is your mind overwhelmed? Does it think of everything? Worst-case-scenerio? Or do you just not care? Carefree? Who knows? The quiz does. Take this quiz.

Created by: Damask
  1. Ow I stubbed my toe. I'm thinking about...
  2. Crap I just dropped my phone. I'm thinking about...
  3. Someone here is crying about something but I don't know what it is. I'm thinking about...
  4. My best friend is depressed. I'm thinking about...
  5. Life is boring. I need to find something to do; I'm thinking of...
  6. I'm babysitting and the children are being brats. I'm thinking of....
  7. I'm thinking of the worst-case-scenario, which makes me think of....
  8. He just broke up with me! x'( My mind is racing through....
  9. You should totally comment on this quiz.
  10. What's the problem that's bugging you?

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