The nothing quiz

This is the nothing quiz. Where we do absolutely nothing except breathe and stare at a glowing screen. The second paragraph is below this one. You can see it now.

The second paragraph. Also talking about a whole lotta nothing. Nothing better to do than make a quiz about nothing. Yeah thats what I'll do. I'm so bored.

Created by: Ash Midnight
  1. As you can tell, this quiz is about nothing at all
  2. Look over there!
  3. Haha I hope I tricked you
  4. Summer is sooooooo boring. Nothing ever happens
  5. What's your name?
  6. I cant tell you mine
  7. My birthday is coming soon
  8. It's in this month
  9. I have 5 games on my phone
  10. And that was the nothing quiz

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