I decided to create this quiz to see Just who deserves the title of Nanner. All I can Say is good luck. And May the force be with you. And so on and so forth. This quiz is in no way an agreement to pay you or give you free stuff.

I don't put much stock in quizzes and personality tests, but I made this one so I trust it. Even So, if you don't think your result applies to you then let me know, and I'll tell you straight from the horses mouth. Anyway, see ya after the quiz.

Created by: Richard
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Kind of Music do you listen to the most?
  2. Have you ever used the Phrase "Nanner" to describe anything other than A banana?
  3. Are You in my top 8 friends? (Be Truthful!)
  4. What Do you Consider yourself, politically?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. If I say the Words Goddess, Wicca, Buddha, gay, etc, do you freak out? (Note: This question has nothing to do with religion or anything, just open mindedness)
  7. Which of the following has the most appeal to you?
  8. Which of these is the most romantic?(NOTE: You don't have to have a significant other to answer this question)
  9. Do you, or would you ever or have any desire to play Dungeons and Dragons?
  10. When in the Shower/bathtub what kind of songs do you sing?
  11. Above all, what do you consider yourself?(choose which best applies to you

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