The Naked Brothers Band Quiz

Some Of These are really hard questions. If You just watch the movie and TV Series. You Might want to research articles about them before Taking the quiz. It's about 38 Questions! Okay!

You Could Try Newsday and other Websites! Have Fun with The Naked Brothers Band Quiz! I know so much about them! I'm warning you I have about 38 Questions! Bye!

Created by: Boby Joe

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What Is Nat Wolff's Full Name
  2. Where Was Nat Born?
  3. Who is Nat's Grandpa?
  4. How did The Naked Brothers Band all start?
  5. Who is the director of the series/movie?
  6. Where did the song "Rosalina" come from?
  7. Whet religion does Nat and Alex celibrate?
  8. What band is Nat obsessed about?
  9. What is Nat's faviorite sport?
  10. What Special Needs does Nat's father Michael Wolff have?
  11. Where did The Naked Brothers Band Movie won an award for "Best Childrens Feauture Film"?
  12. What job's does Nat and Alex's parents have?
  13. Who are Nat and Alex's real life cousins.
  14. Who are Nat and Alex's Aunt and Uncle?
  15. Who Did Polly Draper get a Divorce with in the 1980's?
  16. What Religion does David Julian Levi Celibrate?
  17. Why was it hard for Polly Draper to act in the movie "The Tic Code" filmed in the year 1996.
  18. Why was it hard for Polly Draper to act in the movie "The Tic Code" filmed in the year 1996.
  19. What is Nat and Alex's Grandma's Name?
  20. What is Alex Wolff's Full Name?
  21. Where was Alex Wolff born?
  22. How did Alex learn how to play the drums.
  23. What year was Jesse born?
  24. Where was Polly Draper and Michael Wolff born?
  25. What was the original lyrics for Crazy Car?
  26. What type of piano does Michael Wolff play.
  27. What made Nat and Alex's Great Grandpa- William Henry Draper Jr. and William Henry Draper the 3rd famous?
  28. What is Alex Wolff's favorite singer?
  29. What is Alex's Wolff's favorite show?
  30. What is Alex's favorite cartoon?
  31. Does Nat and Alex have a pet?
  32. What is Alex's favorite breakfest?
  33. What kind of movie is The Naked Brothers Band?

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