the moshi monsters quiz

so peeps this quiz is all about moshi monsters and called the moshi monsters quiz so we are just gonna ask you 10 quistions about this online game all you have to do is anser them simple!

so for you big fans of moshi monsters you have come to just the right web site i have got a moshi monsters quiz for you now all you have to do is anser them simple!

Created by: emily
  1. what sort of monters of this game has a big body but a small head?
  2. how many members of this online game do you think there is
  3. how old do you think these monsters can live up to?
  4. how much rox do you have when you first make a monster?
  5. does this game show how many years old or how many days old?
  6. there is a sertan amount of moshlings to collect how many is there?
  7. where can you get free rox?
  8. what sort of monster do you think i have adopted?
  9. what is a real street on this game?
  10. how many monsters is there to choose from?

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