The Hogwarts Story Year 1 Christmas (Hooked to Part 2)

Created by: ButterDewdrop
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So Fred (OR GEORGE) said "Are you going to kiss or what?! Ron should be here soon so get it over!" You and Harry stare at each other. His lips touch your check and you guys awkwardly backed away. Fred and George laughed and fell over. A rock triped you over but Ron appeared out of no where and caught you. What was better?
  2. The clock striked 8 and Harry and Ron walked you over to your dorm. "Where's Hermionie?" you asked. "I haven't seen her for a while." "She has been on Christmas Vacation" replys Harry. You get tripped by:
  3. Draco smirks and Ron goes up to him and yells a spell that backfires and hits himself Ron fainted. Harry then kicks Draco. Draco sticks a wand right in front of Harry. "Levgaurdian Leviosa." yells a distant voice raising me and Ron into the air onto our feet. Ron does not wake up and Chelsea (The distant voice) caught him. You raise your voice and yell "Winggaurdian Leviosa!" You rose Draco into the air and put him into his common room. Harry falls onto the floor and faints. What do you think?
  4. You pick up Harry and see his invisibility cloack and put it on. You run into the Hospital Wing and had Harry be put on a bed. You sit next to him and think:
  5. You put Harry's invisibility cloack under his bed and hear muttering you look over and see Ron and Chelsea. Chelsea was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed and was holding Ron's hand. She squeeze it tightly and let go. Ron pulse got week and Chelsea just had to kiss him. Ron then woke up and Chelsea blushed. Ron then smiled.
  6. You walk away and go into the RavenClaw tower. You see Samantha your head pacing the floor. She asks "Where's Chelsea!?!?!" what do you say?
  7. "Hmmmmm" Samantha says. "She better be back quick!" Suddenly the door shuttered, who entered?
  8. Chelsea walked into the room blushing. She said nothing and went to bed. What happened?
  9. You suddenly got tired and fell asleep. You heard a familiar voice, who is it?
  10. Did you like this quiz?!?!

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