The Fresh Beat Band Quiz

This quiz is going to ask you about different songs and places about the Fresh Beat Band. The Fresh Beat Band is a TV cartoon and it is musical. I created this to share what I know and this will ask about 1 and 2 season. So please watch out!

Are you a Fresh Beat Band fan? If you are then you should take this quiz. Do you have the brainpower to take the quiz? Or do you have to learn more first? If you take this quiz, you will find out the answer.

Created by: Frankie Husbands
  1. There is a episode where the fresh beat band eat pizza. Where do they eat it at?
  2. What is the ending song of the fresh beat band?
  3. What song do the fresh beat band sing when they are ready to start the day?
  4. What are the character's names?
  5. Who is the lady that makes smoothies for the Fresh Beat Band?
  6. Where do the Fresh Beat Band sing Tap It Out?
  7. When was the fresh beat band created?
  8. What was the Fresh Beat Band called because it became a TV show?
  9. What song did the Fresh Beat Band sing for back to school?
  10. Where do the Fresh Beat Band sing Friends Give Friends A Hand

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