The fascism quiz

note: i define "fascism" as being helpful to society,upholding traditional ideas and punishing the evil.. not the traditional view of "fascism " .....

are you a fascist? or are you a cuck? do you support the rapist or the victim? is YOUR culture the best or is ALL culture equal? individualism or collectivism?

Created by: Sam McFadden
  1. except to save the life of the mother or rape abortion should be illegal
  2. the very worst of our scum,sexual offenders,traff---ers, and the like should face life without parole or castration
  3. we can survive anything if we are determined enough
  4. there is nothing more dangerous than a determined indvidual
  5. The weak in society,who demand others help them,without doing anything to help themselves are our biggest problem
  6. children must be taught patriotism and to fight for family and country
  7. "help' usually does more harm than good
  8. there are no savage or civilized cultures or ideas,just differences in opinions
  9. the oppressor is usually the majority group
  10. there will always be hate and suffering world peace is a Utopian pipe dream

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