The Decision Making quiz

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Hi, it's me again. This time I have a quiz that have only two options and one of them will be less worse or a little better then the other. Let's see how you'll do!

In here you can kind of see your decision making level. Don't think too much, answer by being based on your preferences. Please LIKE, RATE AND COMMENT!

Created by: Severus Snape7
  1. Red or blue?
  2. Would you rather never stop smiling (impossible to stop) or never smile (impossible to smile)?
  3. Change or Routine?
  4. Smart or strong?
  5. Would you rather know everything about one thing or know a little bit of everything?
  6. Ship or plane?
  7. Would you rather be:
  8. Burn to death or freeze to death?
  9. iPhone or Samsung?
  10. Kill or die ?
  11. The ability to know everything or learn everything?
  12. Car or bus?
  13. Health or success?
  14. Nature or Modernization?
  15. Would you rather be:
  16. Would you rather be:
  17. Long & Normal life or Short & happy life?
  18. Fun or Useful?

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