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This quiz is to encourage to help all to read, study and know the Holy Book filled with stories, mysteries and promises. The word is to give knowledge, understanding and enrich.

Knowing stories help a load and teach also. To know is to follow, do and grow in confidence. Devoted hours are not only for our head-knowledge, but to inspire a purposeful life.

Created by: Anthony Chimauchem of The Creation
(your link here more info)
  1. On what day did God create man in his own image?
  2. What did God create the first woman out of?
  3. What was the name of the tree they were not allowed to touch?
  4. Who was the serpent secretly?
  5. What did he tell Eve was the reason God didn't want her or Adam to eat the fruit?
  6. Who ate the forbidden fruit first ??
  7. Which bone from Adam did God use to make Eve ??
  8. Why did Adam call his wife Eve?
  9. Why did Adam hide ?
  10. Who named the animals and the birds ???
  11. Who is NOT one of Adam’s sons ?
  12. How many children did Adam and Eve have?
  13. Who was Adam and Eve's first son?
  14. What did God do after Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit?
  15. What son did Eve say God gave her in place of Abel?
  16. How many years did Adam live?
  17. What kind of leaves did Adam and Eve use in an attempt to cover their nakedness?
  18. Which of Adam and Eve's sons was 'a keeper of sheep'?
  19. Which of Adam and Eve's sons was 'a tiller of the ground'?
  20. What kept Adam and Eve from returning to the Garden of Eden?

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