The Breakfast Club ReWrite Pt. 2 | Comments

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  • T.T how do I keep missing these releases? I'm. So. Sorry. Thank you for the shout-out x) I might've had a mini ecstatic moment there since you, after all, are one of my favorite legendary writers x) I love how this story is going because it's different from most others, and it's written well, melding the actual lines and events from the movie with twists. You're doing a great job, and I hope to see more soon! Also, every time you end the chapter, it's... perfect o.o as in, it sounds like a closing statement... ah, I can't describe it, but kudos to you, and my baby pandas applaud you.

    P.S. I checked out that Aerosmith song you mentioned in the parting words :)

  • Part 3


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