the boy friend quiz

are you perfect boy friend matireal. find out in this neat twelve quiestion quiz to meet your match. we call this quiz in the name of love. take quiz to find out more!

are you the girl of every boys dream. or are you hidden in their nightmares. find out in this nifty twelve quiestion quiz. to find out more just take the quiz

Created by: Tamara
  1. do you have a boy friend
  2. How many have you had in the last year?
  3. was he nice
  4. What did you do for you first date?
  5. if you had to marry someone who would it be
  6. what kind of personality would your boy friend have.
  7. what age would he be
  8. what personality would you not want him to have
  9. what would you do if he cheated on you
  10. do you truly love you boy friend

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