are u a good friend

there are friends, but a few best friends. a person will leave someone for someone else. but they won't see who there friend truly is. this quiz will help you.

are YOU a good friend? do YOU know about your friend or best friend?if you don't know this quiz will help YOU and maybe your friendship (i hope) with the person

Created by: lele
  1. describe you best friend
  2. do you and your friend have nicknames
  3. how would you fell if he/she died
  4. how many fights have yall had
  5. what do yall like to do
  6. describe yourself
  7. are you bored with him/her
  8. how much do you know about him/her
  9. how many best friends do u have
  10. last question, are u ready, how long have you knew him/her

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